The New Raspberry Pi OS

A new release of the Raspberry Pi OS arrived last week. As usual, the release announcement gives a general overview of the most important additions and improvements, and the release notes contain a lot more detail. In addition to the usual accumulation of updates since the previous release (August 2020), there has been some significant new hardware such as the Raspberry Pi 400 and the Raspberry Pi 4 Case Fan, which needed new support in the operating system: it was getting to the point where building a new Raspberry Pi SD card required more time on updates than it did for actually downloading the OS image and copying it to the card.

Also: Best Raspberry Pi alternatives in 2020: Banana Pi, Odroid, NanoPi, and more 

You can update an existing system to the new level with just a few package management commands:

  • sudo apt purge bluealsa pimixer
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt dist-upgrade
  • sudo sudo apt install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
  • rm -f ~/.asoundrc

After these commands, reboot the system.


